Sweet Tree School

Interested in seeing the school in action?

Walk through the School visit day this year will be

March 12th 10am-12pm

(Feb 13th postponed, please join us March 12th)

To register email kluehman@sweettreearts.org

In house enrollment begins March 15th

Sweet Tree School will begin reviewing new applications for the 

2024/2025 school year on April 15th

If you wish to plan a private tour and inquire about a welcome package 

contact the director at


or call 207 542 8008

So much to explore at Sweetland School, a Reggio Emilio inspired learning center.

mission Statement

Cultivating community and learning together through 

curiosity, empathy, creativity, and critical thinking. 

about our program

Sweet Tree School is inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach and by educators and artists such as John Dewey, Elliot Eisner, Lily Yeh, Paulo Freire, Howard Gardner, Alfie Kohn, and Sir Ken Robinson. Sweet Tree School aims to remain open and flexible to change and the needs of the current times and community.

Learner-Centered Education

When we say “learner-centered,” we are describing a paradigm sitting opposite of the “school-centered” or conventional paradigm.

The learner-centered paradigm recognizes every learner has unique potential and understands learning happens naturally when people are supported to pursue their interests, tackle challenges, and explore aspirations within nurturing communities. It sees the aim of education as being able to cultivate young people who are self-aware, self-reflective, and socially capable learners, ready and able to advocate for themselves and their communities in their pursuits."  https://learnercentered.org/

Sweet Tree School is a flexible 3, 4, or 5 day Academic program. Engaging with the community the Sweet Tree School offers relevant, bold and joyful learning opportunities. Families with children in grades K-8 are invited to engage in hands-on experiential learning opportunities. 

Small multi-age classrooms with a 6:1 student : teacher ratio offer a strong academic program integrating the arts and experiential learning through collaborative and individualized instruction. 

We balance our days between direct instruction, student inquiry and community focused projects. 


Sweet Tree School supports an active formative assessment model through the documentation of learning of the student and group. A daily practice using photography and collecting the words and ideas of the children allows us to build understanding together and to support learners to reflect on their thoughts and experiences. Teachers design relevant assessments through a variety of ways such as games, essays, performance based relevant tasks, peer review processes, presentations and appropriate quizzes. We gather work samples and build portfolios throughout the year. Learners of all ages are supported to reflect on their learning and build an understanding of their own knowledge and learning through regular reflection and self-assessment.

Take a Virtual Tour of our School below...

Family prices, scholarships and financial aid are available - contact the school for more information.

Why re-imagine education?

Sweet Tree School supports students with deep conceptual mathematical thinking. Students are engaged through relevant projects and tangible activities. We search for joy, beauty and engage in deep conceptual conversations. As in all areas of learning we encourage hard work and a growth mindset as a means to succeed and solve problems.